Magnesium Supplements: Health Benefits, Dosage And Side Effects - Pinhais Da Foz

Magnesium Supplements: Health Benefits, Dosage And Side Effects

One of the most common nutrients found in nutritional supplements is magnesium. Magnesium is the most abundant mineral found in the human body and is an essential nutrient. This implies that magnesium is crucial for the proper functioning of the body. But, we do not create magnesium naturally. As such, we Will Need to have a regular intake of the mineral through supplements or food.

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Studies show that magnesium is vital for a High Number of bodily functions, Which include various metabolic reactions and being the driving force behind the build-up of your DNA. However, reports have shown that almost half of the populace in the USA don’t get enough magnesium. This is indeed a matter of concern as a deficiency of magnesium from the body is linked to several health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. Magnesium was recognized as an important macronutrient with many health benefits, making it a very popular ingredient in supplements. Let us check some of the most well-established health benefits related to the consumption of magnesium.

Health benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium Supplements : Health Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects

Enhances your mood

Studies have found a connection between low levels of calcium with melancholy. This clearly led several scientists to prove deeper into this relationship. A study found that 450mg of magnesium acts the same as 50mg of the antidepressant Imipramine at handling depression. Further experiments included the management of 248mg of calcium per day on subjects suffering from depression. At the end of 6 months, the subjects demonstrated a significant improvement in their symptoms.

Reduce blood pressure

Magnesium has been demonstrated to lower blood pressure. Various studies have shown That magnesium supplements reduce blood pressure in large BP subjects. To be specific, 410mg of magnesium per day on subjects has demonstrated a drop in systolic blood pressure of 3-4mm Hg (top number) and also 1-2mm (bottom number).

Helps to control blood glucose

Magnesium helps to control blood glucose and insulin absorption. It’s worth noting that It has been established that diabetes makes you lose vital nutrients such as magnesium via urination. 3-month experimental research has shown that an intake of 300mg of calcium by type 2 diabetes subjects reduced the blood glucose levels considerably. Another study showed that taking calcium for 4 months improved insulin sensitivity and reduced blood glucose levels.

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Individuals with heart disease have been associated with low levels of magnesium. This Can be attributed to the fact that low magnesium levels are linked to blood pressure and blood glucose issues. Recent research has revealed how the intake of magnesium supplements improved the conditions in subjects having type 2 diabetes. This immediately implies that magnesium supplements can benefit individuals with heart disease and magnesium deficiency.

Helps to deal with insomnia

Individuals with low magnesium levels have been associated with constipation. A recent 3- Month experimental research found that 600mg of calcium on a daily basis resulted in 42% lesser migraine attacks. Moreover, another study established that the high dosage of 600mg was completely secure and supremely powerful.

Heal the symptoms of PMS

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a Really common problem infertile women and it Results in migraines, mood swings, water retention and fatigue. Magnesium has been proven to help women address these issues, especially mood swings and water retention. Women often tend to feel helpless when it comes to those issues. The simple fact that magnesium helps with these makes it a very popular nutrient in several health supplements meant for ladies.

Encourages physical functionality during sports and workout

When you are working out, you generally need 1/5 more calcium than Usual conditions. This was shown by studies. This happens because of the fact that magnesium helps to transport blood sugar in your muscle, thus preventing the accumulation of lactic acid. This helps to prevent muscle fatigue and muscle pains. Not just working out, the exact same can even be stated about sports. An experimental study on some volleyball players showed an intake of merely 250mg of calcium helped enhance their leaps and arm maneuvers. Another similar research on athletes revealed a remarkable advancement in their running, biking and swimming abilities with the consumption of magnesium.

Magnesium is useful in over 600 biochemical reactions within your body

This is maybe the most impressive point of seeing magnesium. Magnesium Imparts its functionality to hundreds of bodily biochemical reactions such as the creation of energy from food, synthesis of protein from amino acids, regulation of the nervous system, muscle contraction and relaxation, and also the maintenance of enzymes.


Men require 400-420mg of magnesium per day.

Ladies require 320-360mg of magnesium per day.

For magnesium in supplements, the standard dosage of magnesium is 350mg as set by the Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, United States of America.

The significance of magnesium could be fulfilled by taking magnesium either in the kind of health or food supplements containing the prescribed concentration of calcium.

Side effects

The intake of magnesium in nutritional supplements Isn’t associated with any negative effects as such. But if you’re on another medication, you’re advised to consult your doctor before you try magnesium supplements. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are counseled to steer clear of magnesium supplements since there is no research evidence to support the safety of ingestion of calcium supplements in pregnant and lactating women. It is essential to be aware that those with kidney issues pose a high risk of experiencing side effects by using calcium supplements. These side effects can include nausea, upset stomach and nausea.

Food which is a rich source of Magnesium

There Are Lots of foods that serve as good sources of magnesium and help to complete Your Reference Daily Intake(RDI) for this crucial nutrient. These foods include:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Dark chocolate
  • Nuts
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Fatty fish
  • Kidney beans


As a vital nutrient, magnesium is crucial for the proper functioning of the body. We’ve seen in this article that calcium is associated with many Significant health advantages that make it among the most popular macronutrients to be Used in supplements. The fact that magnesium intake facilitates more than 600 Biochemical reactions within the body is more than sufficient to highlight its importance To general wellbeing.

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