Clomid (Clomophene): Is it Better Compared to Nolvadex for PCT? - Pinhais Da Foz

Clomid (Clomophene): Is it Better Compared to Nolvadex for PCT?

Anyone who has been considering hopping to anabolic steroids must definitely have read about PCT.

In case you haven’t, then stop now and do your research. You don’t have any reason to be doing steroids without having a definite understanding of Post Cycle Therapy.

But in case you’ve read up on it and brushed up on your study, then you’d be aware that there are three to four drugs that are mainly used by bodybuilders to speed up their body’s recovery after a steroid cycle.

There is Nolvadex, Aromasin or Arimidex and Finally, there is Clomid.

There are varying opinions on which these medications work best. Or which ones must be utilized in synergy to derive the best results while reducing unwanted effects.

Some bodybuilders do fine with just Nolvadex. Other people find it too mild and include Clomid from the mix.

Some never use Nolva and swear by Clomid.

The question is, which one of those opinions do you go by?

Is Nolvadex better than Clomid, or is it the other way round?

Let us find out.

What Is Clomid?

Clomid - how it works, what it costs, side effects and success ...

Clomid is the tradename for Clomiphene, an extremely powerful Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator medication that has been used for decades as a fertility aid in girls.

Clomid works by restricting the negative comments that Estrogen triggers in the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian-Axis.

This consequently raises the release of gonadotropins like Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH).

However, what might interest a bodybuilder or an anabolics user is the way by that Clomid prevents estrogenic side effects, or helps the body regain its generation of endogenous testosterone.

When used during a cycle that has a strong aromatizing compound such as Testosterone, Clomid will bind to estrogen receptors in the mammary tissue thus lowering the risk of gynecomastia.

It is going to also help prevent water retention to a large extent.

When used throughout a PCT, Clomid stimulates the release of LH and FSH, which subsequently causes an increase in the generation of endogenous testosterone.

How Does This Differ From Nolvadex?

In theory, there’s very little difference in Clomid and Nolvadex. These two medications are SARMS belonging to the group of drugs called triphenylethylenes. They work in a similar fashion, that is by occupying estrogen receptors in key areas.

Both medications include agonistic and antagonistic properties, which means they block the activity of estrogen in certain websites, to act as Estrogen from other websites.

Both drugs are usually very well tolerated in low to medium doses, which is what you’ll be using during your PCT.

However, if you compare the doses which are typically used for on-cycle usage or for PCT, you will notice that Nolvadex is used at lower doses as compared to Clomid.

By way of example, a normal PCT protocol with Nolvadex would be 20-40mg/day for two weeks followed by half an dose for a few weeks.

On the flip side, most bodybuilders advise that you dose at least 100mg/day of Clomid.

This has caused a general consensus which milligram by milligram, Nolva is the superior medication.

But just like every compound which can change hormonal levels, this cannot be generalized in black or white.

The Differences In Nolvadex and Clomid

Nolvadex is a very valuable compound to prevent gynecomastia and water retention (to an extent).

  • Among those innate benefits which most individuals do not talk about is that by acting as Estrogen in the liver, it amplifies the amount of good cholesterol, which can be very useful when you are using anabolic steroids.
  • But, this also leads to a growth in sexual hormone binding globulin (SHGB), which may reduce free testosterone in the body. Therefore, while your complete Assessment raises, Nolva may limit the amount of free test that’s vital in building, or retaining the muscle that you obtained during cycle.
  • In Addition, It reduces the levels of IGF-1. Not very beneficial for preserving muscle.
  • Nolvadex also up-regulates progestin receptors, meaning that if you are using chemicals with a solid progestin character, such as Nandrolone or one of its derivatives, it might be inadequate to prevent gynecomastia, or alternative progestin related sides. (Ref.)
  • Then there is the famed Estrogen rebound which may occur when you quit using Nolvadex.

Clomid on the other hand, does not reduce IGF-1, does not upregulate progestin, meaning you could use it with Nandrolones, nor does it trigger the rebound.

  • However, it does are inclined to cause some emotional side effects at dosages above 100mg/day. As a result of the mild anti-estrogenic nature, most users would look at using at least 100mg/day, which makes them mentally unstable. Mild irritability, stress and even panic attacks are reported at high doses.
  • Additionally, long term use with Clomid might desensitize the adrenal glands to Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone.

Which One Do You Pick?

Clomid vs Nolvadex. Bodybuilding | Properties and Differences

That depends upon multiple variables.

  1. What chemicals are you using on your stomach cycle? If you’re utilizing Nandrolones, then Clomid will be a better choice.
  2. Just how many cycles have you ever completed previously? Have your gonads atrophied considerably? This will determine whether you want to use these, a combination of both or, a totally different PCT protocol. Have you used these compounds previously? What was your experience with it? Some users love Nolvadex. It just works better for them. No lack of libido, no irritability. Others find it too hard to prevent their E2 levels from crashing while using Nolva. They find Clomid better.
  3. A few guys, on the other hand discover Clomid turns them into an emotional woman. They swear by Nolvadex and continue to use it.

To be honest, we would suggest that you use an aromatase inhibitor as your first line of defense to prevent gyno. If you do need to use a SERM, limit the usage during PCT, rather than on cycle.

This also helps prevent an Estrogen rebound when you stop using Nolvadex.

The Right Dosage For PCT With Clomid

As we mentioned previously, most experienced bodybuilders advocate starting with 100mg/day of Clomid to your PCT.

We say that you start lower. With say 50mg/day for a week, 25 for two weeks after this and 12.5 for the last week.

You may want to include Nolva to the if your cycle has been harsh and prolonged.

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